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Along with being a primary school teacher and leader, blogging is where this all started for Aidan. If it wasn't for his passion for writing and sharing his learning and experiences, he wouldn't be working as an education consultant with schools across the country today. Shared best practice should be available to all and here on the Aidan Severs Consulting blog you can get ideas for making a difference in your own school. The blog is also a great place to learn exactly the kind of work that Aidan can partner with your school on.

Aidan Severs
Apr 10, 20232 min read
How I Work With Charities To Develop Educational Resources
Creating educational resources is a great way for charities to connect with young people. See how I can help your charity to do this.
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Aidan Severs
Apr 10, 20232 min read
Beyond Schools: Education Consultancy For Organisations
There are many organisations that benefit from working with an education consultant to enhance their educational offerings. How can I help?
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Aidan Severs
Jul 3, 20226 min read
What Should You Do To Get Your New Classroom Ready?
Summer's nearly here and you might be itching to get into your new classroom to spruce it up. But what should you spend your time on?
639 views0 comments

Aidan Severs
Apr 25, 20225 min read
How To Achieve Both Curriculum Cohesion And Teacher Autonomy
Not that long ago, back when I was a teacher and before I had any SLT responsibilities, I worked in a brilliant school where we teachers...
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Aidan Severs
Apr 21, 20223 min read
Teacher Wellbeing: The Three Things You Need
Teachers need three things to ensure good wellbeing: competence, autonomy and relatedness. Here's how schools can provide them.
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Aidan Severs
Dec 16, 20217 min read
Thoughtful Questioning: Why Cold Call Is Not Enough
Cold Calling is the name given to the practice of asking a question and then selecting a child to answer. The theory is that it causes...
1,075 views0 comments

Aidan Severs
Dec 15, 20216 min read
Forensic Assessment
As teachers we are all too familiar with the concept of assessment and its importance. We know that without assessment there is no...
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Aidan Severs
Dec 14, 20214 min read
Beware The Reverse-Engineered Curriculum (or The Potential Pitfalls Of Retrieval Practice)
Aren't Knowledge Organisers brilliant? Isn't Retrieval Practice just the bees knees? As for Powerful Knowledge... sigh - the stuff dreams...
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Aidan Severs
Dec 14, 20213 min read
Article Archive - Aidan Severs Consulting
Here you can find a collected list of most of the articles I have written for other outlets, including TES, Teach Primary Magazine, HWRK...
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Aidan Severs
Nov 24, 20214 min read
PPA: It's Complicated
We are all quite glad when it rolls around again: that morning or afternoon where we really get the chance to take a break from the...
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Aidan Severs
Nov 16, 20215 min read
Using Mnemonics For Retrieval Practice
What are mnemonics? Well, according to Wikipedia it is 'is any learning technique that aids information retention or retrieval...
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Aidan Severs
Nov 12, 20218 min read
Whole Class Reading: Providing Challenge For Children Working At Greater Depth
With whole class reading increasing in popularity, one of the most asked questions is around the issue of catering to the needs of all...
2,633 views0 comments

Aidan Severs
Nov 12, 20216 min read
Whole Class Reading: Meeting The Needs of Lower Attainers
Perhaps the biggest worry for teachers when considering the switch from the guided reading carousel to whole class reading is how...
5,719 views0 comments

Aidan Severs
Nov 8, 20214 min read
Primary History: Key Questions To Ask About People, Events or Time Periods
Recently I posted a whole set of questions to ask when learning about a place in geography. Here are the primary history versions. They...
12,371 views0 comments

Aidan Severs
Nov 3, 20218 min read
The Right(est) Way To Teach Spelling (part 1)
Why words ought to be spelled correctly is an opinion piece best left for another time (or never at all). For now, let's assume that we...
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