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Along with being a primary school teacher and leader, blogging is where this all started for Aidan. If it wasn't for his passion for writing and sharing his learning and experiences, he wouldn't be working as an education consultant with schools across the country today. Shared best practice should be available to all and here on the Aidan Severs Consulting blog you can get ideas for making a difference in your own school. The blog is also a great place to learn exactly the kind of work that Aidan can partner with your school on.

Aidan Severs
Sep 10, 20244 min read
How Do I Make The Most Of My Team Members' Expertise?
How Watership Down and a unique experience transformed my leadership   Looking for leadership advice from a rabbit  In the Richard...
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Aidan Severs
Jul 30, 202411 min read
How Can I Support My Team in Maintaining a Healthy Work-Life Balance?
Actually I prefer the phrase life-work balance, and in reality I'm not sure there wisdom in framing it as a balance at all, but that's...
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Aidan Severs
Jul 9, 20244 min read
How Do I Get My Staff To Stick To Deadlines?
I love a deadline, and chances are if you're reading this you do too. It's how we get things done! When I say I like a deadline I mean...
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Aidan Severs
Feb 6, 20243 min read
A SEND-First Approach... To Everything
Imagine a world where children with SEND really were the priority. What would that look like and what would the impact be on all...
1,860 views1 comment

Aidan Severs
Jan 30, 20246 min read
SEND Provision Across The Curriculum: Start and End Points
“All pupils should have access to a broad and balanced curriculum. The National Curriculum Inclusion Statement states that teachers...
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Aidan Severs
Dec 4, 20236 min read
How To Observe A Lesson
As I was putting together my ' Starter for 5: Monitoring and Evaluation' blog post I realised that, although I talk about lesson...
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Aidan Severs
Nov 29, 20232 min read
Starter for 5: Monitoring and Evaluation
1. Monitoring Your Subject 101 "Many new middle leaders are effectively thrown in at the deep end and are expected, at least until they...
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Aidan Severs
Mar 2, 20233 min read
School Leadership: The Importance Of Focusing On Now
We naturally focus on the future, always wanting to do the next thing that will make a difference but we need to reflect on the present too.
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Aidan Severs
Feb 23, 20235 min read
School Leadership: Telling The Story Of Your Area of Responsibility
Telling a story is a great way to communicate to others. School leaders can use story to tell others about their areas of responsibility.
163 views0 comments

Aidan Severs
Feb 16, 20233 min read
Subject Leadership and the Ofsted Inspection Framework
How can Ofsted's inspection framework can help primary subject leaders to lead on developments in their area of responsibility?
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Aidan Severs
Feb 10, 20232 min read
Ofsted Resources for Curriculum and Subject Leaders
Ofsted's resources which can help curriculum and subject leaders to develop their subject are collated here in this blog post.
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Aidan Severs
Feb 9, 20236 min read
School Leadership: Harnessing Action To Clarity Of Vision
How well do your actions align with the vision you have and the goals you set? Everything school leaders do should work towards their goals.
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Aidan Severs
Feb 2, 20233 min read
Subject Leadership: Goals And Actions
As a subject leader are you naturally goal-orientated or action orientated? Or are you an equal amount of each? What are the pros and cons?
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Aidan Severs
Jan 26, 20233 min read
Subject Leadership: Being Ofsted-Ready By Doing It For The Kids
Everything we do in schools should be for the children - if this is the priority then we should be on track to explain things to Ofsted.
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Aidan Severs
Jan 19, 20232 min read
Subject Leadership: Leading a Team, Not a Subject
Subject leadership can feel lonely, however you are leading a team of people, not a subject, so in reality you are not alone.
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Aidan Severs
Jan 12, 20233 min read
Subject Leadership and the Problem of TIME
Subject leadership has to be juggled with class teaching responsibilities, so realistic expectations of subject leaders are crucial.
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Aidan Severs
Jan 11, 20235 min read
The 3 Cs of Curriculum Design
By thinking about continuity, correct coverage and consistency, school leaders can begin to think about how to design their curriculum.
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Aidan Severs
Jan 5, 20235 min read
The Benefits of Being a Subject Leader
Subject Leadership can feel daunting, but there are so many benefits for teachers taking on such a role.
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Aidan Severs
Oct 10, 20227 min read
What Can Book Scrutiny Actually Tell Us?
Book Looks or Book Scrutinies are a popular monitoring approach in schools. Here's how to get the most out of them...
1,179 views0 comments

Aidan Severs
Sep 5, 20225 min read
Learning To Fall: Learning To Succeed
"If you can't ride, can you fall?" "I suppose anyone can fall," said Shasta. "I mean can you fall and get up again without crying and...
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