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Along with being a primary school teacher and leader, blogging is where this all started for Aidan. If it wasn't for his passion for writing and sharing his learning and experiences, he wouldn't be working as an education consultant with schools across the country today. Shared best practice should be available to all and here on the Aidan Severs Consulting blog you can get ideas for making a difference in your own school. The blog is also a great place to learn exactly the kind of work that Aidan can partner with your school on.

Aidan Severs
May 18, 20231 min read
S1 E5 - Setting Objectives, the National Curriculum & Developing DT Knowledge with Sarah Haigh
The Subject Leaders Podcast S1 E5 - Setting Objectives, the National Curriculum & Developing Teachers' DT Subject Knowledge with Sarah Haigh
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Aidan Severs
May 11, 20231 min read
S1 E4: Contextualising Curriculum, Implementation & Teaching Primary History with Vinay Verma
In the fourth episode of The Subject Leaders Podcast we talk to Vinay Verma, an early career teacher and primary history leader. In this...
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Aidan Severs
May 4, 20231 min read
S1 E3: Promoting your Subject and Monitoring and Evaluating Maths with Kieran Mackle
The third episode of The Subject Leaders Podcast features podcaster and author Kieran Mackle. He's well-known for his Thinking Deeply...
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Aidan Severs
Apr 26, 20231 min read
S1 E2: SMSC Development, Supporting Teachers and Outdoor Learning with Christian Kitley
An outdoor learning subject leader talks about designing curriculum, developing teachers and contributing to pupils' SMSC development.
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Aidan Severs
Apr 10, 20232 min read
How I Work With Charities To Develop Educational Resources
Creating educational resources is a great way for charities to connect with young people. See how I can help your charity to do this.
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Aidan Severs
Apr 10, 20232 min read
Beyond Schools: Education Consultancy For Organisations
There are many organisations that benefit from working with an education consultant to enhance their educational offerings. How can I help?
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Aidan Severs
Mar 30, 20237 min read
The Power and Purpose of Literacy: Vocabulary and Oracy
A child's oracy and vocabulary development is crucial to their development as a person. Here's why...
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Aidan Severs
Mar 23, 20233 min read
How The Local Area Can Inspire your Art Lessons
Although a school's local area is more often thought of when teaching geography and history, it can be a great source of inspiration in art.
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Aidan Severs
Mar 15, 20234 min read
A Year 6 Teacher's SATs Memoir: I Thought I'd Lost My Job
Ten years ago I really thought my teaching career had come to an end. It was definitely an overreaction but for a few days I had that...
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Aidan Severs
Mar 4, 20232 min read
Brand New SATs Arithmetic Practice Resource: Calculating with Fractions - Addition (+ Free Sample!)
Breaking down the objective of 'adding with fractions' into 35 bite-sized one-pagers with worked examples, explanations & practice questions
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Aidan Severs
Dec 12, 20225 min read
10 Things I Learned About Teaching As A Lazy NQT
Teaching is hard, and sometimes teachers find themselves working ourselves to the bone. Perhaps it doesn't have to be that way...
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Aidan Severs
Sep 5, 20225 min read
Learning To Fall: Learning To Succeed
"If you can't ride, can you fall?" "I suppose anyone can fall," said Shasta. "I mean can you fall and get up again without crying and...
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Aidan Severs
Aug 22, 20224 min read
Including Word Etymology On Knowledge Organisers
In my last blog post I wrote about the basics of knowledge organisers - if you don't yet use them, that blog post will be a good starting...
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Aidan Severs
Aug 8, 20224 min read
Simple Teaching
It really is all about the simple things. The longer I've been in teaching, the more I realise this. I thought I'd realised that 10 years...
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Aidan Severs
Jul 3, 20226 min read
What Should You Do To Get Your New Classroom Ready?
Summer's nearly here and you might be itching to get into your new classroom to spruce it up. But what should you spend your time on?
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Aidan Severs
Jun 20, 20225 min read
Your Greatest Gift to the Next Teacher? By Russell Pearson (Dynamic Deputies)
Russell Pearson of the Dynamic Deputies suggests that there are things children should know and be able to do before they move year group
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Aidan Severs
May 24, 20226 min read
8 Scaffolding Strategies: a ‘Q & A’ blog - By Russell Pearson (Dynamic Deputies)
Russell Pearson, of The Dynamic Deputies, responds to questions about the scaffolding episode of their podcast.
1,150 views1 comment

Aidan Severs
Jan 31, 20224 min read
The True Purpose Of Year 6
What is the true purpose of year 6? Whilst writing a blog post about how the true purpose of year 6 isn't preparing for year 7, I got to...
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Aidan Severs
Jan 25, 202212 min read
The Right(est) Way Of Teaching Spelling (Part 5)
If you have not yet read the rest of the parts of this series, click here to catch up:
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Aidan Severs
Jan 24, 20224 min read
Being A Writing Teacher: 6 Reasons Why Teachers Should Write
"No one would say 'I can't read', so why do people say 'I can't do maths'?" We've probably all heard that frustration expressed before,...
455 views0 comments
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